Blood Drive
Give back with us by donating blood! We are hosting a blood drive in Mauston from 12-3pm. Please make an appointment to donate by clicking the link below.
Give back with us by donating blood! We are hosting a blood drive in Mauston from 12-3pm. Please make an appointment to donate by clicking the link below.
At Faith Christian Church, we believe that water baptisms are the next step in your faith journey! Water Baptism is an outward expression of your personal declaration that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. To sign up, just fill out the form below!
Join us on Valentine’s Day for an experience you won’t forget!
Pulse Masters Commission is hosting a Peruvian themed dinner and silent auction. This authentic Peruvian experience will begin with a social hour with a charcuterie table, non-alcoholic drinks, and the chance to check out silent auction items with some of the area’s finest amenities. Dinner begins with a choice of an authentic Peruvian dish and desserts. We have a guest speaker from Peru who will give an encouraging message and share some of the vision for what we are supporting - the work of Pastor Jose Chavesta in Ferrenafe, Peru.
For more information or to purchase tickets, please click on the link below!
We are on pause for the holidays, we will see you on January 6th for our next study!
We are going to be starting this 6 week study!
Prayer is a gift, an invitation to talk with God, but some people find it to be a challenge. We are going to dive into and study 6 prayers from the Bible that can inspire and encourage your personal prayer life. Bring your bible!
When: Mondays at 5:30pm
Begins: November 4, 2024
Cost: $5.00
Study guide included
A light dinner will be provided
December 8th - Every Promise Forever at 6:30pm. A Christmas production written, produced, scored, acted, and put on by our own people… live music, acted monologues and more, walking you through the history of Gods promise to send a savior to his people.
December 15th - Kid’s Christmas Program during both of our Sunday Morning Services
December 15th - Forefront Christmas Party here at church at 6:30pm
December 15th - Amazing Grays Party here at church following our 2nd service. This will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to pass!
December 24th - Christmas Eve Service at 4:30pm
No Wednesday Night services on December 11th, 18th, 25th, or January 1st. We want to ensure you can take this busy time of year and enjoy it with your families! Merry Christmas!
God’s word says to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” As parents, we do our part, God does His part, and together we help to train each life to be all that God has called them to be.
By dedicating your child to the Lord, you are making an agreement with God, your church family and your child to raise them in a positive environment.
On Wednesday, October 30th from 5pm-6pm we will be hosting a trunk or treat in our parking lot!
If you would like to sign up to be a trunk host at this family friendly event, please do that below!
This Event will be put on by our Young Adults women!
We will gather on October 4th at 6:30pm. We will paint pumpkins, eat desserts, drink apple cider, and have a short encouragement. Please bring a dessert to pass if you are able!
All women are welcome to come and enjoy! We also want to open it up for women to bring their daughters or granddaughters with them if they would like.
The cost for this night is $10 per person. If you bring your daughter with you, the first one is free! If you have more than one daughter it will be $5 total for all additional children.
We are so excited for this event, and hope to see you there!
God’s word says to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” As parents, we do our part, God does His part and together we help to train each life to be all that God has called them to be.
By dedicating your child to the Lord, you are making an agreement with God, your church family and your child to raise them in a positive environment.
Kids Summer Outreach is a free, annual event we host at Faith Christian Church in Mauston for kids age 3 all the way up through those entering 5th grade. We have dinner, worship, a bible message, and plenty of themed games, activities, and decor to make it fun and engaging for all of the kids! This year, to accommodate all of the kids of our church and community, we will be hosting two KSO’s… one in the afternoon and one in the evening! We hope that you will be able to be a part of this year’s Kids Summer Outreach!
Join us July 13 for our annual Kids Days, hosted by Faith Christian Church - Reedsburg Campus! The event is completely free and includes food, games, giveaways, bounce houses and fun for the entire family.
Crave Summer Camp is our annual Summer Kick Off for our Forefront Student Ministries! Anyone who finished 5th through 12th grade during the 2023-24 school year is welcome to join us! This year, we will be returning to Spencer Lake Christian Center on Sunday, June 2nd - Tuesday, June 4th! Check it out, get registered, or request more info below!
Join us for an incredible morning where we gather together to celebrate our “Stories”! This year, we’ll join together at our Reedsburg campus location to gather, enjoy brunch, worship and be inspired by the word of God. Click the heading or the photo above to register, invite a friend, and we’ll see you soon!
2033 E Main St, Reedsburg WI
9 AM-11:30 AM
Cost: $10/person, pay at the door.
At Faith Christian Church, we believe that water baptisms are the next step in your faith journey! Water Baptism is an outward expression of your personal declaration that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. To sign up, just fill out the form below!
OT399: The Book of Isaiah by Dr. Ian Bond
A study of the great truths and principles of the Book of Isaiah. Emphasis is placed on reasoning together with God, seeing the Lord, waiting on the Lord, comforting people, and seeing a great light. Many practical applications are made.
Textbook: Insights Into Isaiah by Dr. Ian A. H. Bond
These classes are for adults and allow people to earn Bible diplomas and degrees. Students register for class online (signing up at FCC Campuses also helps us to know the number attending). The Thursday night class is taken as a group and the follow-up hours and tests are online on your own.
There is an observer option for this two-hour session.
It is $130 to take the whole class for credit, and $10 to come for dinner and the forst 2 hours of the course.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office. 608-847-4019 info@faithchristianwi.com
DESSERT BAKERS NEEDED: A dessert auction fundraiser is being held for Crave and Electriclub. Please sign-up to bring a dessert (or desserts). This event is in lieu of a formal offering. If you are unable to participate in the fundraiser and would like to help with funding Crave and Electriclub, you can make a donation at anytime by marking your funds Crave or electriclub.
These auctions are always great fun. Any questions, please see Pastor Jordan or Carrie Baeseman or email the Church at info@faithchristianwi.com.
This year Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, so we will be having our Christmas Eve Service at our normal Sunday Morning Service time of 10:00am. We will not be doing an evening service as the morning services will take its place. There will also be no forefront that night.
There will be no Wednesday night Services on December 20th or 27th to give you time to spend with your families!
This is our annual women’s Christmas gathering!
This year we will gather together and paint wooden Christmas Ornaments together! We will also have a Christmas movie playing in the background if painting isn’t really your thing, or you can just come to spend time and get to know one another. You will be able to take your ornaments home at the end of the night as well! No need to be an artist, we just want to hang out and have some fun together this holiday season!
We will provide everything needed for the painting, as well as drinks for everyone. If you are able, we would ask that you bring a snack or dessert to share with the group. We can’t wait!
This is a Facebook giving opportunity on November 28th. Facebook matches donations up to a certain amount and then gives some in addition to others.
Within both of our campuses, we have ministry and community outreach opportunities we will be putting these funds toward!
Join us for this Thanksgiving Eve Community Service at Bible Baptist Church in Masuton at 7:00pm. This is an annual event that the Mauston Area Ministerial Association hosts.
All of the funds received in the offering will go to offset the cost of the Christmas meal giveaway.
This event is our Awake Women's Conference... only redesigned. Come join us for an encouraging and uplifting day at the Awake Women's Gathering! This in-person gathering will be held at Faith Christian Church. Get ready to be inspired by incredible speakers, connect with other Christian women, and walk away changed by the presence of God. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to connect, grow, and awaken to your true identity in Christ.
Registration will open at 12:00pm, where you can spend some time shopping in our Boutique or visit with friends over a coffee from our Crave Coffee Shop. The afternoon will begin at 1:00pm with a time of powerful worship, move into an impacting, thought-provoking mini-session. We have a fun activity in the schedule, with a delicious dinner following. Finally, we will end the evening with more worship and an anointed message from our Keynote Speaker.
Registration is open and you can sign up and find more information on eventbrite.com by looking up the Awake Women’s Gathering!
Join us for a special night of worship and healing!
Electriclub will run as normal.
Join us for our Reedsburg Kids Day! It’s a fun-filled environment, with balloon animals, water activities, bounce houses and more. Organized activities every half hour highlight the afternoon, and don’t miss the bike giveaways as well. This event is designed to allow families to get outside, have fun, and get to know other people in the Reedsburg Community!
Level Up! /// Kids Summer Outreach is our annual, FREE summer event that we host at Faith Christian Church (N4691 HWY 12 & 16, Mauston WI) for the kids (age 3 through upcoming 5th graders) of our church and community! Each night from Tuesday, August 1st - Friday, August 4th we will have services from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, with the theme “Level Up”, a video game theme! We will have have a dinner, a time of worship, a bible lesson, games and activities, and more! We are looking forward to a great year of KSO, and hope you and your family will plan to join us at Kids Summer Outreach 2023!
We will have an interest meeting for all those who would like more information about our trip to Israel. The meeting will be following the 2nd service. There is no commitment needed at this meeting, it is just to talk about what it would be like and answer any questions you might have.
The trip is October 10th-19th. Please join us for this meeting if you are interested, or would just like some more information!
We will be celebrating Christmas together on a Wednesday night!
Wear your favorite Christmas sweater and join us for fun, games, snacks, and more!
We are doing a new event for Christmas this year! We have had volunteers working tirelessly this year to create a walking trail behind the church. We are going to light the path with Christmas lights and have people telling the Christmas Story as you walk through.
After you have walked the path, please join us inside for Christmas carols, hot chocolate and cookies, and a photo booth!
We are so excited and can’t wait to see you there!
Crave Conference is a conference for Middle School and High School Students hosted annually on the last weekend in October at Faith Christian Church in Mauston, WI. Each year we host students from a number of churches around the state, as well as our own church/community!
If you are an individual student from FCC, or the local area, use the Individual Registration Form
If you are registering as a group from another church, use the Group Registration Form
Check out last year’s recap video!
OPERATION : KSO /// Kids Summer Outreach (KSO) is our annual, special, FREE summer event for the kids (age 3 - upcoming 5th graders) of our church and community! Each night from Tuesday, August 2nd through Friday, August 5th we will have services from 6PM - 8 PM. These nights will begin with a free dinner before moving on to exciting videos, a time of worship and bible lesson, as well as games and “missions” all having to do with our “Spy” theme. We are looking forward to a great year of KSO, and hope you and your child are able to take part!
Check out last year’s KSO Recap!
Crave Summer Camp is the annual summer event of Forefront Student Ministries. This year, it will be held at Spencer Lake Christian Center in Waupaca, WI for students who (will have) just completed grades 5 - 12! Registration is open until Sunday, May 29th!
COST : $200 / Includes Event Registration, Food, and Lodging!
THEME : No Strings Attached
Completed permission slip and full payment due before departure on June 5th!
Check out the Crave Summer Camp 2021 Recap Video!
This is an event that will be put on by the NCA at the Heidl House Resort in Green Lake, WI.
We will begin the weekend with a formal banquet on Friday evening, followed by a time of ministry from Pastor Glenn & Vickie Smith, from Colorado Springs. Then take some time for yourselves to relax and enjoy Saturday morning.
Saturday will be filled with times of ministry from Pastor Daren DeFord (Mather, WI), Pastor Paul & Doreen Shirek (Mauston, WI) and more from Pastor Glenn & Vickie Smith. We will host you for a special lunch and end the evening with a quick dinner.
We will end our weekend with special prayer over each couple from our pastors.
As a fundraiser, our Forefront Students will be at the church on Saturday, February 12th from 4pm-9pm available to watch your kids, so you can go on a date for Valentine’s Day!
They will be watching ages 1-5th grade.
The cost will be donation only, but please consider being generous, as it is a fundraiser!